I scream you scream we all scream for ice cream

Miss M's first ice cream. It actually isn't ice cream, it's itallian ice or something like that. I was just going to give her a taste but then she grabbed it and when I went to pull it away, she wouldn't let go. I did get it away but she cried so hard to have it back, I just let her have it. Unfortunately the red is very staining and she's got a red nose and a "mask" around her mouth from it. She's also got red hands from it.
C is just a walking advertisement for it. I don't think he could show the label any better. Too bad I cut his ear off.
Miss M's also standing on her own a lot more. Any day now she's gonna let go and start walking. I was able to get a picture yesterday of her. Oh I can't wait. Well yes I can, it means that she'll be into a lot more faster.
C's been in a funk lately not wanting to listen. Yesterday was his last soccer class and he was there all of 15 minutes and he wanted to leave. I asked him a handfull of times to make sure and he kept saying yes. So I get him and M in the car and start it up and low and behold he wants to stay and play. I kept driving. He started crying saying he changed his mind. I wanted to be firm with him that he made a decision and he needs to keep to it. I'm hoping that he'll outgrow it soon. We've set down and went over family rules, so I'm hoping that works too.
In knitting news, I went to Joann's for thier sale and found the World Of Knitted Toys. I picked it up for $7.50. C has already picked out what he wants from it. I also got some sock needles to make E's socks.
I found a panel of fish and bubbles to make a baby quilt for the july baby. I think I'll make an ltk bucket hat and some felted booties for the babe too.
Off to enjoy the sun.