So I finished the flirty skirt. I am in love with it. DaddeeO wants me to make a longer skirt and a different more lacy trim for the colder months. It was a real easy knit once I figured out what I was doing. My leg holes came out really big but Theresa from LTK was very helpfull and answered my question right away.
The library had a really cool kids band come and play the other day.
Captain Bogg and Salty is a pirate band! With Pirates of the Carrabean out, C man wanted to go and watch. I've never seen a library so full before! THey have 2 kids cd's out and an adult cd. We ended up getting the newest cd for kids and C man has been asking to listen to it everytime we are in the car. I think I know all the words to all the songs now. They will be playing at the
Portland Pirate Festival in Sept.
So my current project is a pair of shorts for Ms M. The orange top is hand dyed by me and the middle is from a crocheted soaker that hadn't been used yet that I took apart. It has the
Curly Purly waistband. I ran out of the middle part and only have orange left. Well I have some of the middle left but I was wanting to keep it for the bottom of the legs. I almost think I should frog it back some and do more orange. hmmm. I'm gonna sleep on it.
If anyone is reading this and knows where I can get a true camo colorway in wool to make some gloves let me know. DaddeeO likes the gloves I knit him before but he's now not liking the colorway. I have at least 5 more ounces of it. I might try and over dye it but I'm not sure if it would turn out.
Off to bed.