Baby Attire

This was made for dear little W who will hopefully be joining us soon. My friend L is having her second child and I can't wait. I used Lionbrand Cotton. I had some extra yarn so I made a hat for big brother Z and a hat for miss M.
I started crocheting a skirt for miss M. I dont have a pattern so hopefully it'll fit. I've added extra stitches in the bum area so it would fit over her diaper. If it works I'll post instructions for it.
I think I am going to frog Katja and redo her. She is way big on M. Or I was thinking of running some yarn around the top and making a little drawstring for the back. The second option seems so much easier so I might try that first. For anyone else wanting to make Katja I would suggest sizing down.
Reminder to self: I need to start C's wizard hat after the skirt is complete.
I so want to dye some yarn but I've got it all packed away. I'm really tempted to rip open the box and dig through the other yarn just to find it. I don't even know what colors I want. I'm seeing all this pretty yarn that everyone else is doing and I want to do it to!
Better go get the flafel started.