Ramblings of my motherhood experience with knitting and other projects thrown in.
Saturday, January 26, 2008
the last month in review
I think the date is wrong as we just went up to Larch Mountain a couple of weeks ago. Here's Mad in her first real snow experience.Cman in the snow. It was really hard to capture a pic of him as he wouldn't stay still.
This was before Christmas. Mad had to have one last ride on Alice the horse before she went into storage so we could have our little tree up.
Again the date is wrong, this was over at one of E's co-worker's house. She found the girl's play jewelry and had to dress up. You can't see it but she's got on two different "princess" shoes.
I've also been sewing up clothes for the kids. I've found a great pattern that I've altered a bit that fit Cman perfectly and he loves them. I'll try and get pics of the clothes for next time.