a little knitting done

curly purly soaker
Originally uploaded by hendreque.
So I have been busy with life with two kids and haven't had much time blogging.
Shrug made from 101 One Skein Wonders with a skein of 100% American Wool Top Thick and Thin. Not sure who spun it as it was gifted to me. The picture is washed out, the colors are more muted.
Red soaker made with wool that I had in my stash without labels, I think the brick red is bartletts and the body of the soaker could be Henry's Attic Licorice Twist.
The coat is from a pattern at magknits, by Theresa at LTK. Made with Samantha/Katya Peace Fleece. This was a gift for Miss M for Christmas. She looked totally cute with her new coat and her Christmas dress.
The camo green soaker is made from Patons Merino leftovers. I had made a pair of longies for a little man in pdx. I didn't have enough to make the legs on it. oops
Right now I am working on the Quinn Bag. A bunch of us ladies over at MDC are doing a KAL from it. So far I have the band done and I really want to change the bottom of the bag to more of a symbol not the cables. I have a couple of books coming from the library that I hope to get some inspiration from so I can finish it.
I am also working on a pair of longies for Miss M. Same colors as the red soaker just opposite colorwise. Not sure if I have enough for longies so they may become shorties. Now only if the weather will cooperate and the sun will show it's self.
Labels: knitting